Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Where do you invest your time?

Time - the strongest asset of humanity. Its value can not be measured commonplace cu Time - luxury, and even a drop of this luxury is not affordable or oil sheikhs, not telemagnatam or Internet billionaire.

Even if the health of today is already possible to "buy", while continuing relentlessly ticking, and change is not subject to anyone. The only thing that you and remains - a choice. We must consciously choose - to squander it time wasted or use it to complete.

Modern humans in their relation to time can be classified into four nominal categories.

Category 1 . People involved are not urgent, not important matters, employment, etc. These people are not aware of unimaginable price of time. On the one hand, plus this category is that these people have never nowhere in no hurry - because things are slow and not urgent. But even minus, put it bluntly, not weak. Being engaged in unhurried, in other words - not important things, these people spend, as a rule, dull and gray life, and go forever without reaching at least some success in their lives ...

Category 2 . People involved in the affairs of urgent but not important. Why is it that urgent cases, but not important? The point, again, not understanding the importance of proper use of time. People belonging to this category, have been slow to appropriate, timely decisions and actions. Naturally, such behavior eventually makes itself felt. And it (instruction, action, decision) of the non-emergency turns into urgent. This happens usually in the most "appropriate" time. And there is also coincidence podospevaet ... So it turns out that these people are always busy "sealing holes" in the form of an urgent, but lost its importance Affairs.

Category 3 . People involved in affairs of urgent and important. This category of people does not allow excessive build up their business and subsequently lose their importance (on a background of ever new podospevayuschih urgent cases). But some slowness in their behavior still exists, if things still manage to acquire the status of emergency.

Category 4 . People involved in the affairs of essential and non-urgent. This, as you guessed it, a perfect example to follow. People in this category are usually nowhere in a hurry, they always have free time, and there is no "burning cases." Similarly, people quite rightly and appropriately assign the title of "ideal investor's time." All their cases are focused on the future. They do not occupy their time by comparison illegal businesses, the benefits of which - zero. No, they are the true value your own time, always choosing classes and the case is indeed important to ensure a prosperous, brighter future for themselves and their loved ones.

What should we do to become sophisticated investors of his time?

Tip 1: . Always take the decision in favor of the future. If you have a choice: watch TV series or study material on the economy (investment, business ...) - think what that will bring real benefits for your future.

Tip 2: . Analyze all your affairs and activities. Determine which category you most often are. What things can and should be struck without regret, freeing up time for really important.

Tip 3: . Thinking about your own financial situation, do not lose sight of their own future. Does your strategy place for savings and subsequent investments? You have already taken the first steps in this direction, or if you still do not have the time?

Tip 4: . "Do not look for ways to save a minute, if meaningless things you do takes years" (B. Schaeffer). Think about that for you is more important - effective or efficient use of time? Thus, to properly invest their own time is important to maximize your stay in the fourth category. Being the most effective, it is guaranteed to speed up your progress to success.

This, perhaps, is all. Good luck, victory and prosperity!

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